13 blog entries for 2013

I hope your last week has gone well. My children have returned from college for winter break, my family has visited several beaches, and my university is in the middle of its winter closure. So a little time for reflection, and here is the first part, a bit personal: my writing on this blog that I think contributes more than small drips to current discussion about education, history, or education history. Take with a grain of salt…

  1. Five oft-overlooked facts about Barack Obama and education (January 19)
  2. Early childhood education, feminism, and public policy (February 15)
  3. Bottom 10 Common Core blarney (March 17)
  4. Lashon hora, microaggression, and the academic asshole (May 16)
  5. “Parent trigger” as a pale shadow of community involvement (May 28)
  6. Student services and higher-ed unbundling (August 12)
  7. Rhetorical allocations in higher education (August 19)
  8. Atomic department ravages the Big Apple! (August 21)
  9. Four (or maybe five) ideas for how President Obama really could reform college financial aid (August 26) (also see the translation into an Inside Higher Ed column)
  10. How to fix some of public higher education in the real world, NOW (September 12)
  11. General-education courses and barriers to entry (September 17)
  12. On Ravitch, Reign of Error (September 25)
  13. What is historiography? (December 24)